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GOP official Brett Mecum may avoid court in speeding case

Did you really thing the guy would be punished????


GOP official may avoid court in speeding case

by Casey Newton - May. 8, 2009 12:00 AM

The Arizona Republic

The Maricopa County Attorney's Office has not decided whether to pursue prosecution of the Arizona Republican Party's executive director, who drove 109 mph on Loop 101 last month, according to a speed camera.

Spokesman Michael Anthony Scerbo could not confirm Thursday whether the office had received the charges from the state Department of Public Safety, which arrested Brett Mecum on Wednesday at party headquarters.

Mecum was charged with reckless driving and criminal speeding in connection with an April 10 incident. He said in a statement that he is reviewing the evidence against him and has not decided how to plead.

Rep. Sam Crump, R-Anthem, who is sponsoring legislation that would ban photo radar from state highways, said Mecum could have a reasonable excuse for driving so fast.

But Rep. Eric Meyer, D-Scottsdale, who opposes the legislation, said no one should drive faster than 100 mph, even in emergencies.

Arizona GOP Official Brett Mecum who was ticketed by photo radar for driving 109 mph